Current Project and Long-Term Goals
Leslie has recently dedicated himself to following one routine in his day-to-day operations. He tries to rise earlier than the cock crows to focus his time on drawing surrealistic types of work when the world is asleep. Recently the artist completed a long-drawn idea based on the intriguing story of “Artemis.’ Speaking on brainstorming the idea, he said, “I wondered why NASA’s new moon rocket was named Artemis and pondering over this spurred up the idea for this project!”.
Asides from creating painted masterpieces that inspire and uplifts his art lovers and collectors, Leslie’s long-term goal is to be a better man. “If I become a better man, then maybe that will translate into better art, right?”. A self-critic who feels he is still not yet at the peak of his creative gifts, Leslie aspires to create more symbolic masterpieces and build better relationships with galleries and gallery owners to reach a wider audience.